Lake Eyre Basin Rivers 98 faith signed a formal agreement to protect the rivers under the Bligh Labor Government’s Wild Rivers legislation. The agreement would result in protected areas and protect these rivers and their community, including the economic, cultural and environmental values. Aboriginal engagement focused in 2011 at an Aboriginal forum in Tibooburra when ~70 Aboriginal people from across the Lake Eyre Basin met to discuss the future of the rivers (Fig. 8.3). Over three days, we agreed on some powerful directions for the management of the Lake Eyre Basin and its rivers (tables 8.1 and 8.2). We identified key themes, resolutions and activities (Table 8.1). For science and management, we needed to see the transfer and sharing of information and to be informed about what projects were underway and how we could be involved. In relation to extractive industries, we believed that the Lake Eyre Basin Rivers Assessment was critical and that the development of extractive industries should be done in Table 8.1. Themes and relevant resolutions from the 4th Lake Eyre Basin Aboriginal Forum, held in Tibooburra on 13–15 September 2011. Themes Resolutions Science and management Allow transfer of information across the Basin Share outcomes and learnings Increase the communication of progress and outcomes Lists of project work to be published, distributed and updated Extractive industries and groundwater (esp. coal seam gas) Fully funded Lake Eyre Basin Rivers Assessment (LEBRA), including groundwater Consultation and participation of communities, including Traditional Owners (selected by Lake Eyre Basin Traditional Owners) Reliable, updated information system with public access High level of recognition of risks associated with extractive industry Traditional ecological knowledge Share and teach traditional ecological knowledge using new technology and on-country, on-ground activities Respecting and honouring through consultation and networking Lake Eyre Basin or national policy on traditional ecological knowledge and water research National Centre for Aboriginal Water Research Link science to traditional ecological knowledge Integrate into national policy agenda to ensure policy outcomes for all Consider groundwater and surface water as a connected resource Provide credible evidence to support/raise profile of cultural knowledge to inform/guide national and state and territory policy Aboriginal water allocations – to provide water for cultural, social, economic purposes determined by Aboriginal people Cultural water and land management plan, Lake Eyre Basin Authority – sustaining the effort Co-management of Lake Eyre Basin (e.g. through a unified management authority for the Basin) support current Lake Eyre Basin as a Ministerial Forum initiative Dual leadership/management by Aboriginal people and community – including a power of veto over unwanted development Tied to an action plan which is outcome-oriented and brings solutions to problems
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