xii List of contributors Editor Professor Richard Kingsford is Professor of Environmental Science and the Director of the Centre for Ecosystem Science, UNSW, Australia. He has a background in freshwater science and conservation biology. Richard has a great passion for the people and environments of the Lake Eyre Basin, built up from involvement with both, stretching back to the mid-1980s. He has served on many of the government committees of the Lake Eyre Basin, including the Cooper Creek Catchment Committee, the Community Advisory Committee, the Lake Eyre Basin Scientific Advisory Panel and the Western Rivers Advisory Panel. Contributors Professor Angela Arthington is Emeritus Professor in the Australian Rivers Institute at Griffith University, Brisbane. Her main research interests are fish ecology, the impacts of dams and flow regulation on rivers, and the management of environmental flows to maintain the ecological integrity of freshwater ecosystems. Angela is a member of the Lake Eyre Basin Scientific Advisory Panel, and in 2013–14 was a member of the Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development, Office of Water Science. Dr Stephen (Harry) Balcombe is a Research Fellow in the Australian Rivers Institute at Griffith University. His research focus is largely targeted towards understanding dynamics of fish populations in lowland floodplain rivers, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. Research areas include fish trophic dynamics, recruitment patterns in response to ecological drivers, determinants of body condition under different environmental settings and the importance of floodplain– river interactions for fish population persistence.
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