Index 251 stock-carrying capacity, loss of 139 stone arrangements, Barcoo River 77 Stonehenge 39, 120 Strategic Adaptive Management 82, 89–90, 91 Strategic Environmental Areas (SEAs) 199, 224 Strategic Reserve (water) 204, 205 straw-necked ibis (Threskiornis spinicollis) 145, 146 Strzelecki Creek 8, 23 Stuart Shelf 174, 175, 176 Sturt, Charles 6 summer fish spawning 46, 47, 48 Supreme Court, Lower Balonne water licences and 220–1 Surat Basin 174, 185, 186, 201 surface mining 70, 206, 209 surface water quality 189, 197, 207, 208 survey parties 63 sustainability 14, 85 cattle production and 115–17 future of 89–91 landholders and 107–11 turtle populations 60–1 water access and 78–84 sustainability reports, lack of 182 sustainable development Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre 123–6 Lower Balonne River system 131–2 Queensland Government and 207 Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (Qld) 157, 199, 201, 203, 208 sustainable technology, coal seam gas (CSG) production versus 186 sustainable values (list) 207 sustainable water use management 173, 216 Sutherland, John 104 Sydney 124, 160 Sydney Harbour 138, 220 tadpole shrimps (Triops australiensis) 9 temperature increase, climate change and 233, 236 temporal variability, river flows 24–7 terrestrial animals, river flows and 231 Territory Natural Resource Management 79, 89 Thomson River 6, 8, 12, 20, 22, 33, 36, 38, 39, 43, 80, 107, 108, 114, 120, 121, 160, 161, 195, 196, 215, 234 thorium 189 Tibooburra Declaration 2011 97, 98, 99, 215, 222, 223 Ticehurst, Gary 151 tight gas projects 174, 176, 177, 197 Tilapia sp. 40 Timms, Brian 156 Torrens Towerhill Zone 195, 196 total economic value 160, 161–2 tourism 6, 63, 78, 117, 124–5, 160–1 direct costs 236 economic value of 168, 169 environmental impact 104, 234, 237 waterholes and 14 tourism operators 85, 89, 155, 222 towns, Lake Eyre Basin 3, 4, 224 trade offs 213 trade routes, rivers as 97, 104 Traditional Owners x, 89, 153 Aboriginal Forum and 98 cotton growing and 78 Lake Eyre Basin and 100, 101, 103, 213, 223, 225, 229, 237 Rivers Assessment and 99 translocated fish species 35, 43 Transport Infrastructure Act (Qld) 206 trap-night 66, 68 travel cost approach 161 turtles 10, 49, 51 river flows and 231, 232 Uluru 63, 116 unallocated water rights 205, 236 unconventional gas–petroleum extraction 176, 177, 185, 187–8, 189, 207 underground mines 181 underground water 105–6, 116, 201 unemployment, cotton irrigation and 131 ungauged rivers 154 United States of America (USA) 124, 187–8, 189 Unmack, Peter 37 unregulated rivers, Queensland 64 upstream water resources, threats to 78 uranium mining 175, 177, 181, 182, 189, 197 use values 159–61, 167, 168, 169 vegetation flooding and 66, 140 Macquarie Marshes 146 value of 161, 162 vegetation destruction Culgoa River 139 Lower Balonne system 133 water flow reductions and 131, 140 Vegetation Management Act 1999 (Qld) 200, 203 vision objectives, Lake Eyre Basin 90, 91 vulnerable species, fish 31, 36 Waanyi 104 Wahlduru 95 Wangkumarra 101 Waratah Coal 176 Warrego River 164, 165 waste disposal 70, 188 water access, Queensland regulations 204–5 Water Act 2000 (Qld) 155, 157, 158, 198, 201, 203, 208, 210, 213, 215, 216, 217 Water Act 2007 (Qld) 235 Water Allocation Management Plan (WAMP) 131, 141 water allocations Aboriginal people and 98 Queensland 141 waterbirds 3, 11, 61, 145, 159, 195, 206 breeding 162, 163, 165, 166, 167 decline of 139 habitat 221 rainfall events and 70, 130–1 water buy-back 210 water carting, Culgoa River 139 water conflicts 104, 106 water contamination 186, 223, 232 water couch (Paspalum distichum) 145 water diversion and extraction 12, 26–7, 111, 141–2, 148
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