Lake Eyre Basin Rivers 244 tourism and 125 ecological knowledge, Aboriginal people 98 ecological science 89, 155 exclusion of 156 economic value per household model 161–4 economic values cotton irrigation 129 development and 231 environmental flows and 159–71 Georgina River and 104 maintenance of 111, 217 Murray–Darling Basin 162–9 Edgbaston goby (Chlamydogobius squamigenus) 35, 37–8 Edgbaston Springs 38, 40, 50 Elizabeth Springs goby (Chlamydogobius micropterus) 35, 36, 37 employment, tourism and 125, 126 Emydura macquarii nigra 58–9 endangered species, fish 31, 36, 37, 50, 139 energy use, Olympic Dam site 182, 183 environmental allocations 215 environmental assessment, minerals industries 189 environmental costs, Olympic Dam site 182 environmental damage Culgoa River area 142 development and 63, 64 legislation and 235 environmental flows 27 cessation 138 economic value of 167–8 irrigation reduction and 140 management of 216 Queensland government and 214 reduction of 132–3 environmental impact assessments (EIAs) 206, 231 absence of 138, 187 environmental legislation, Queensland Government 198–200, 203, 221, 234 environmental management 89, 90 Environmental Protection Act 1994 (Qld) 157, 199, 201, 203, 210, 218 Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Qld) 31, 33, 201 Environmental Protection (Underground Water Management) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2016 (Qld) 201 environmental science, Lake Eyre water resources 222 environmental sustainability development proposals and 235 economic benefits 159–71 Lake Eyre Basin rivers 229–34 long-term support for 237 environmental threats coal seam gas industry and 186–7 mining industry and 173–91 Murray–Darling Basin 109–10 shale gas industry 188 environmental training, Aboriginal people 106 environmental values Lake Eyre Basin 237 river systems 12 water flows 167 environmental water purchases 148 Eromanga Basin 174, 175, 197 erosion prevention 168 Ethabuka Reserve 66, 68 eucalypts, destruction of 12 European exploration 4, 6 European settlement, Aboriginal people and 104 evaporation 14, 51 existence value 160 exploration licences, Queensland 186 externalities 159 extreme dispersal, fish species 50 extreme rainfall events 65–6 Eyre Creek xi, 9, 11, 103, 114, 196, 197 farmers, Lake Eyre water resources and 222 Farrars Creek 196, 197 Federal Court 223 feedlots 208 feral cat (Felis catus) 14, 70 feral cattle 105 feral goats 234 feral pig (Sus scrofa) 14, 70, 71, 105, 234 feral rabbits 234 financial capital, arid regions and 63 Finlayson, HH 72 fire risk, deserts 70 Fisher family 148 Fisheries Act 1994 (Qld) 200, 203 fish populations 10, 11, 195 boom phase 49 Cooper Creek 43–54 flooding and 61 irrigation and 232 Queensland Lake Eyre Basin and 31–42 flightless birds 3 Flinders Ranges 8, 124 flock bronzewing (Phaps histrionica) 70 flood channels 219 flooding 9, 19, 21, 24, 43, 48, 65, 189, 195 animal populations and 206 biodiversity and 108 Brenda Station 139 Cooper Creek 44, 49–50, 119–22 Culgoa River 137–43 development versus 230 disappearance of 129–30, 133 economic value 167 food sources and 56 frequency 25–6 Lower Balonne catchment 221 Macquarie Marshes 145–8 mining and 174 necessity for 45, 51–2, 126, 232 organic beef production and 114–15 turtles and 57, 58 value of 161 water flow reduction and 137–43 floodplains 10–11, 20, 43, 44, 108, 109, 154 beef production 113–15 connectivity 208 cotton growing and 78 development restrictions and 206 fish and 61 flow harvesting 219
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