Lake Eyre Basin Rivers 36 catchments. It is a common smaller cousin of the Barcoo and Welch’s grunters. Similarly, the golden goby is a northern and Indo-Pacific species, but some populations survive in the few permanent waterholes of the Georgina River, and more recently were found in the Diamantina and Mulligan Rivers (Table 3.1). Our understanding of fish ecology in remote regions of the Lake Eyre Basin remains in its infancy. A good example is the detection of a small schooling species (Lake Eyre hardyhead) in the highly temporary Mulligan River during the wet years 2009–2012 (Kerezsy et al. 2013). This was over 300 km away from previous records in Goyder’s Lagoon (Costelloe et al. 2004 R. Mathwin and D. Schmarr, pers. comm.), and the first time the species had been found in Queensland. These records suggest that this species, previously only recorded from South Australia, can migrate long distances following above-average rainfall and the inundation of usually dry channels. Fish species of the springs Three endemic species live in the springs of the Queensland section of the Great Artesian Basin (Fig. 3.1), and a further five fish species are found in Dalhousie Springs in northern South Australia. The Queensland species are listed as either endangered or vulnerable under both state and national legislation. No endemic fish species are present in springs in the Mulligan group (Fig. 3.1), where desert rainbowfish, glassfish, Lake Eyre hardyhead and spangled perch colonise during floods which briefly connect the springs to the Mulligan River (M. Tischler and A. Kerezsy personal observations 2009–13 Table 3.1). At the Springvale group, south-east of Boulia in the Diamantina catchment, populations of the Elizabeth Springs goby are the only fish present Fig. 3.2. The Cooper Creek catfish is known only from the Thomson and Barcoo Rivers and Cooper Creek (Fig. 3.1), and grows to 60 cm.
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