Table 3.1. Names and some life history characteristics of fish species in the rivers and springs of the Queensland Lake Eyre Basin. See Fig. 3.1 for the locations of springs and rivers. Species Common name Distribution Life history References Riverine native species Nematolosa erebi Bony herring All catchments Extreme dispersal ability, continuous recruitment Bailey and Long 2001 Arthington et al. 2005 Balcombe et al. 2007 Balcombe and Arthington 2009 see Chapter 4 Puckridge 1999 Wager and Unmack 2000 Kerezsy et al. 2011 Kerezsy and Fensham 2013 Kerezsy et al. 2014 Cockayne et al. 2015 Neosiluroides cooperensis Cooper Creek catfish Cooper Creek catchment Poorly known benthic species, spring/summer spawning Neosiluris hyrtlii Hyrtl’s tandan All catchments Conservative dispersal to deep areas, flow- dependent recruitment Porochilus argenteus Silver tandan All catchments Spring/summer recruitment, extreme dispersal ability Retropinna semoni Australian smelt Cooper Creek catchment Winter recruitment Craterocephalus eyresii Lake Eyre hardyhead Georgina River catchment (Mulligan R.) Extreme dispersal, colonises springs opportunistically Melanotaenia splendida tatei Desert rainbowfish All catchments Extreme dispersal, continual recruitment, colonises springs opportunistically Ambassis sp. Glassfish All catchments Extreme dispersal, continual recruitment, colonises springs opportunistically Macquaria sp. Yellowbelly All catchments Conservative dispersal to deeper areas, flow and continuous recruitment Amniataba percoides Barred grunter Georgina River catchment Extreme dispersal, continual recruitment, colonises springs opportunistically Bidyanus welchi Welch’s grunter All catchments Conservative dispersal to deep areas, flow- dependent recruitment Leiopotherapon unicolor Spangled perch All catchments Extreme dispersal, continual recruitment, colonises springs opportunistically Scortum barcoo Barcoo grunter All catchments Conservative dispersal to deep areas, flow- dependent recruitment. Glossogobius aureus Golden goby Diamantina–Georgina River catchments Spring/summer recruitment, conservative dispersal ability Hypseleotris sp. Carp gudgeon Cooper Creek catchment Continual recruitment Lake Eyre Basin Rivers 34
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