List of contributors xix Professor Poh-Ling Tan is the International Watercentre’s Professor for Water Law and Governance, based in Griffith University, Brisbane. Born in Kuala Lumpur, she has academic and professional legal qualifications from both Malaysia and Australia. She serves as the water governance expert on the Advisory Committee on Social, Economic and Environmental Sciences, Murray–Darling Basin Authority, and on the Water Expert Panel for the Queensland Minister for Energy and Water Supply. Until 2014, she served on the Water Resource Operations Plan Referral Panel set up under the Water Act 2000 (Qld) to make recommendations on issues arising from water planning. Professor Glenda Wardle is co-leader of the Desert Ecology Research Group in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Sydney, New South Wales since 2006, and co-leader of the Desert Ecology Plot Network within the Long-term Ecological Research Network. Glenda studies the dynamics of populations, species and ecological interactions, particularly for conservation and management of deserts. She has spent the past 20 years unravelling how plants and animals interact in the Simpson Desert of central Australia. Trevor Wright spent his childhood living in Boort in northern Victoria. He now lives in the small town of William Creek in far north of South Australia, 70 km west of Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre. He first arrived here in the late 1980s and early 1990s, hoping to capitalise on the small town’s proximity to Lake Eyre and the opportunities for tourism. He was going to trial it for three months and now two decades later he has a thriving tourism business. Trevor provides flight packages for tourists over Lake Eyre, but also services tourists with accommodation and the William Creek Hotel, which he now owns.
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